Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam! This week I released part one of a two-part interview I did with jazz legend Jamey Aebersold. Needless to say, it was a thrill to officially meet Jamey - after all, I've known him my entire life through his innovative…
Greetings, JazzPianoSkills Fam! We just completed our Key of Bb Major Harmonic Workout (March 8th Episode) and our Key of Bb Major Melodic Workout (March 15th Episode), and this week we brought the jazz piano skills from both of those workouts toge…
Greetings, JazzPianoSkills Fam! It's an incredible year to discover, learn, and play jazz piano! 2022 is underway, and we kicked things off last week with a Key of C Major Harmonic Workout. Today we turn our attention to melodic development with a …
Greetings, JazzPianoSkills Fam! Welcome to 2022, a fantastic year of jazz piano podcast episodes, jazz piano lessons, jazz piano courses, and jazz piano masterclasses. Additionally, I have a tremendous lineup of guests that will share their insight…
Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam! Last week I celebrated the 100th episode of the JazzPianoSkills Podcast which is hard for me to believe because it feels as if it was yesterday I was sitting in my office recording episode one; it's crazy how fast tim…
Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam! So hard to believe that JazzPianoSkills is celebrating the 100th podcast episode this week and preparing to celebrate a two-year anniversary! It feels like yesterday (literally) that many of my jazz piano students at …
Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam! OK, I have waited to write this blog post until we completed our five-week series of Traditional Locked Hands Voicings. When beginning to discover, learn, and play any new jazz piano skill it is always best to do so b…
Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam! I'm a little late with this Blog Post considering that the Chet Baker, Autumn Leaves episode was released on August 24th but as the old saying goes, "better late than never!" To begin, if you are wanting the lines yo…
Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam!For the last few weeks, we have been focusing on the development of Rhythmic Vocabulary. Rhythm rarely gets the attention it deserves, especially when compared to the attention given to Melody and Harmony. The irony abo…
Greetings JazzPianoSkills Fam! This last week we continued our exploration of developing Rhythmic Vocabulary using fundamental quarter note, eighth note patterns. Two weeks ago we used scale motion (Dorian Mode) to play twelve rhythmic patterns. Th…